Proud of M. Harper!

I am normally not putting political comments here but, Jean Chrétien trying to save Trudeau, with his comments, thinking that anybody care!?
Other countries envy our economy and stability. Jean Chrétien as forgotten or as just never realized how ashamed some of us where (like me) when he was the prime minister. He is still the « Perron » of politics! Sorry for Anglophones we had Jean Perron ( but Chrétien was probably a second best with his quotes. But do not take my word for it… it is proven. As a famous man said:
« No, a proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It’s a proof. A proof is a proof, and when you have a good proof, it’s because it’s proven. » Jean Chrétien
So, if « the enemy of my enemy is my friend »!, and « I am ashamed of the guy who is ashamed of my prime minister »… wow! I am really proud M. Harper! But for the others who do not agree with me, do not worry, I am only counting for one vote, and we are still a democracy, despite the allegations of Thomas Mulcair… but that is another story! 😉