Watch Out! Time is Short (English Version of July 8)

1 Corinthians 7:25-40

I was particularily struck by verses 29 to 33 which I name, « Married Life and it’s Interactions.
Happiness, sadness, wealth and things of the world seem to affect marriage.
I believe that this passage is taking about all that is linked to marriage and the preocupations in the life of a couple, all that makes the relationship alive and interactive.
One thing is certain, time is short. I’ve been married for nearly 33 years and it has gone by so fast.
What do I do with my time? How effectively do I spend it within my marriage and how do I bear fruit and not waste the time the other gives me?
Something to think about today!

More details:
Marriage includes:
-The internal relationship; i.e. sadness and joy
-The external relationship; i.e. provide money and spend it for the couple
Tears (1) for sadness and of joy (2) are simple to understand and resume the internal life of the couple.
Here, wealth refers to going to the market with your goods. Here in America it is hard to understand, but if I refer to Africa, when you go to the market with your goods it’s to sell them and do everything in your power to attract people in order to make money. I am thus reffering to working and earning money for the couple to live.
Finally, using the things of the world (4). I have to buy things for the couple within the world, but what to use and how when the world has so much to offer? Wisely use the things of the world for the needs of the couple.