Comprendre pour servir ce monde où je vis

Comprendre pour servir ce monde où je vis

Chad/France May 2013


I will be in Chad, as you can see on the following maps, from May 2nd to 14th.  I will make a long tour with 2235km (1400miles) on roads that are not always the best!  All this traveling to meet brothers and sisters in Chad, pastors, youth leaders and other groups, to evaluate their needs and our capacity to help the local church to better work with their teens.  The potential of churches to help is 1600 (according to what I was told).  This means that I will greatly need your prayers to be efficient during this trip.
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You know that I am not going to Chad for vacation or to get a warmer weather because, if you know me well, you know that I have difficult time with hot weather.

This morning it was 0°C (32°F) outside as I was walking to church.  I was thinking that it would have been terrible if the temperature would have been at 40°C (-40°F) as we sometime have!  I will have the same Screen Shot 2013-04-16 at 1.20.15 PMsudden change of temperature (but going up) leaving Québec and arriving in Chad with 40° to 46° (104°F to 115°F)!

It means that I will need your prayer to be efficient during this trip!  We are even supposed to sleep “under the stars” one night!!

Following that trip in Chad I will have a conference in the Paris region and staff meetings to prepare the training for year 2013-2014.

I would appreciate your prayers for the following subjects:
1- Safety on the road and during the trip in general in a difficult region!
2- Health and rest despite the heat, so that I could be efficient in the preparation to minister in the future for the glory of God.
3- Training for youth leader’s in France, and wisdom during our staff meetings.
4- Preparation of Ivory Coast trip in September, including Ileader conference in France.  Safety in a difficult and explosive regions!
5- Preparation of a work team in Québec to serve existing youth clubs.
6- Need to increase our financial support to answer to the needs of traveling for this ministry.

Thank you for being our emissaries in your church and your region.
